Struggle with Self-Discipline? Use this App Instead

Blake Reichmann
7 min readMar 17, 2021
Photo by Fleur on Unsplash

One of my favorite books in recent years is by Cal Newport. Deep work is defined as our ability to focus, without distraction, on cognitively demanding tasks for long periods. While that may sound obvious, Newport argues that this skill is what will ultimately separate the “Haves” and “Have-Nots” in our increasingly accelerated economy.

But there’s just one problem, though.

Most of us can’t focus on one thing for more than twenty minutes without getting distracted. When we try to police ourselves from the near-infinite distractions, we quickly get worn out then feel guilty for eventually caving to the pressure. Even worse, though, is the stories we tell ourselves afterward. It usually begins with this little phrase:

“If only I had more self-discipline…”

What an interesting idea.

Why Self-Discipline is Overrated

If only we had more self-discipline, well, then we would all have six-pack abs, started that business we always talk about, and would’ve checked off every item on our to-do list already. Life would be so much easier if only we had more self-discipline.

But that’s a dangerous phrase to repeat.



Blake Reichmann

Engineer & Writer | Writing about the best books, tools for thought, and systems for maximizing creativity at